MOVIT: Moving stress, managed.

A Better Way To Help You Move

Create a moving app that will help to better organize your move in stages, lower stress and help to calm minds with binaural beats.

Case study

Creative direction


Creative direction
Visual Identity
Design Thinking

Starting off

People move all the time. Today even more so for various reasons like seeking adventure, downsizing, for work, cutting costs or looking for opportunity. There are many.

During the process, with much to manage depending on your possessions, it can get stressful, overwhelming and beyond because of the many moving parts.

33% — Worry over financial security

31% — Sleep depravation

41% — Anxiety

47% — Increased stress levels

25% — Arguments with partner

Data from

Approach and methodology

To understand the problem better, I conducted about 6 user interviews via whatsapp, which have been instrumental. I was able to identify common challenges and devise strategic solutions for movers.


To understand the problem better, I conducted about 6 user interviews via whatsapp, which have been instrumental. I was able to identify common challenges and devise strategic solutions for movers, breaking it into 3 stages and 3 types of moving actions.

Through creating information architecture, user-flow and task-flow artifacts I was able to uncover areas that needed focus:

  • When to create an account so users can save and refer to their information.
  • Showing information that users need, and when.

The questions I asked each person was generated by AI and altered by me.

Approach and methodology
Insights gathered from user interviews
An onboarding task-flow
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I started sketching out possible solutions on a high level and later, created version two. I revised the artifacts moving forward after I carried out a competitive analysis.

Secondarily, I crafted low-fidelity wireframes of the process to get a better understanding of where to improve.

Thirdly, I got to work using coolors to define the colour palette. Meeting accessibility standards of AA was given close attention.

Lastly, as part of the style guide a set of style artifacts to be used with the brand.


Upon creation of medium fidelity prototype, I tested it and learned a few things.

Learnings from user testing the design.

  1. The question “Type of move” was not fully clear to me
  2. During my location search, I wasn’t sure if the app was using my location.
  3. The account moving stages were too many things for me to look at in one sitting.
  4. I wasn’t sure how my stress can be lowered?What does moving success look like?

Medium fidelity prototype of MOVIT
User feedback from prototype
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High-fidelity prototype with feedback incorporated.

Delivery: Second Iteration

I created high-fidelity version which incorporated the learnings received. I'm looking forward to collaborating with engineers to put this app into production to learn more, iterate and grow.

Figma prototype

Please use fullscreen at the top right of the Figma window.

End of this presentation

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